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Explore UAL’s digital collections and experience a wealth of content that will bring our collections to life. Browse art works made by our students, staff and alumni or discover more about our history. Our digital collections also include:
- Book arts
- Printing
- Designs for posters, objects, performance and products
- Theatre programmes.
Showing 17 - 20 of 25 collections.
Front cover of 'Pandorra' by Arthur van Schendel, 1919 Decorated Books from the Netherlands
The collection contains Dutch books with decorated trade bindings.
An artists impression of the new London College of Printing, c.1961. London College of Communication Archive
The archive contains material relating to the College's activities and those of its predecessor bodies.
Sculpture students working at Sumner Road, Camberwell. From the Paul de Monchaux Material collection | Paul de Monchaux Paul de Monchaux Material
A small collection relating to Paul de Monchaux and his teaching at Sumner Road Studios, Camberwell School of Art, in the 1970s
Front cover of May, Guy and Jim, by Ellinor Davenport Adams Talwin Morris Collection
Book cover designs by Talwin Morris in the Art Nouveau and Glasgow styles.