Use a Bad Handle/Stand from Under
Ministry of Labour and National Service, Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents, Tom Eckersley
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The poster is double sided.
Side 1: The slogan is split. 'USE A BAD HANDLE' is diagonal across the image, 'GET A BAD HAND' is across the footer of the image. The image is a grey bandaged hand, who fingers are reaching up to a chisel, with a brown handle. Side 2: The slogan 'STAND FROM UNDER' is in black at the footer. The image is of a silhouetted man in black, with a long shadow cast in front of him along a grey floor with black lines across it. His arms are held up towards a suspended crate of grey, orange and black. Along it reads 'SUSPENDED [white] LOADS [orange]. The background colour is white. Each measures, 76cm by 25cm. Printed by, Loxley Bros Ltd.
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Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents poster